Time and space for journalism and the informed society

Constructive News Lab

News needs perspective. Constructive journalism is the logical development from the insights we have gained about journalism in the last century. We want to help editorial offices to develop their working methods and to think up new formats.

»News media do not help democracy. It is so full of negativity. And media democracy produce populists – not leaders.« (Helmut Schmidt, 2015)
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Alexander Sängerlaub

In journalism it is said that "Only bad news is good news". But what if journalism could do much more than just inform us about the world's crises, catastrophes and conflicts? Almost a third (32%) of those surveyed in the Digital News Report 2019 are now actively trying to avoid news ("news avoidance") – the excessive focus on negativity is an important reason for this.

In Denmark, where Constructive News is already more widespread than here, recent studies show that 58% of people want much more coverage of solutions to social problems, 68% demand more perspectives in reporting, and 51% even want to be more inspired by news. The goal should not be to report more positively on world events, but rather more realistically. After all, the media should not present our reality in a distorting mirror, but as it is. This requires a holistic and systematic approach to social phenomena, for example, in order to recognize the larger social connections behind individual phenomena.

Constructive journalism is particularly widespread in Scandinavia, but there are individual formats worldwide, ranging from the daily news ("Solution Finder") to the New York Times ("Fixes"). futur eins helps editorial offices to integrate this form of journalism into their everyday work and/or to develop their own formats for it. In workshops lasting one to several days, methods of constructive journalism are presented, and ideas and concepts are developed and tested together.