#D21talk - Web Congress Digital Society
– Alexander Sängerlaub
On February 24, 2021, Alex Sängerlaub will speak at the #D21talk about disinformation and conspiracy myths that are rapidly spreading through the Internet. Anyone can take part in the online event via a link.
On the website of the event, is the livestream and the program:
It is not only since the Corona pandemic that a wide variety of conspiracy narratives have flourished; experts even speak of an "infodemic". Does the Internet accelerate conspiracy narratives? What challenges does society face in the election year 2021? We discuss what politics and society can do to counter conspiracy narratives and disinformation, and what (new) competencies are needed in society to do so.
New competencies are also required in the world of work according to Corona. We take a look into the future and discuss the questions: What competencies should citizens have in order to be able to participate in the labor market in the future? What role do (digital) skills play for the German economy?
At the Digital Society Web Congress, we would like to engage in a broad social discourse with experts from various fields and provide impetus for the future. These should serve as a basis for decision-makers from politics, business, science and civil society to set the course for the future. (...)