What information needs does Generation Z have? Are they better or worse informed in the digital media spaces? Alex Sängerlaub, Anja Zimmer (Director of mabb) and Martin Emmer, Professor of Communication Studies, will discuss this and much more at the media authorities (Medienanstalten) on Thursday, March 4, starting at 4 pm.

Alex Sängerlaub discusses the media use of Generation Z with Teresa Sickert, Anja Zimmer and Martin Emmer.

The event was prompted by the pilot study conducted by the media institutions, which examines the use of information by teenagers and young adults: Where and how do digital natives find information?

Young target groups obtain information on the ubiquitous Corona pandemic, as well as on political and social issues, almost exclusively online. Social media serve as central distribution channels. However, this content continues to be produced by public and private broadcasters and the major publishing houses. After all, offerings with added value must be serious, trustworthy, but also easily accessible for teenagers and young adults.

So digital information sources do not necessarily deliver less information quality. An increasingly convergent media environment brings with it challenges for users - and on the production side, changed usage habits must also be taken into account and captured. Both aspects will be the core of the event.