Leonard Novy
Journalism, the public and international politics are topics that have accompanied Leonard Novy throughout his professional life. And this both practically as a journalist and consultant as well as in research. Since 2011 Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy, a think tank for the theoretical and empirical foundation of media and communication policy based in Cologne. In addition, he advises politicians, NGOs and companies on issues related to strategy development, communication and the future of media and journalism.
He studied history and political science at Humboldt University, Free University Berlin and the University of Cambridge (MPhil, PhD). In 2004-05 he was a Fellow in the Department of Government at Harvard University and a visiting scholar at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. After completing his doctorate in International Politics at the University of Cambridge, he held various positions in foundations and journalism, including at the Bertelsmann Foundation, AVE Gesellschaft für Fernsehproduktion (Holtzbrinck publishing group) and as a freelance author for WDR, DLF and various print media. Regular teaching, lecturing and moderating activities, among others at the Hertie School of Governance, the SPRINGER Academy and the Vienna Forum Journalism and Media (FJUM). He also publishes on international politics, political communication, media and journalism, including as editor of the multi-author blog CARTA, which has won the Grimme Prize and LEAD Award. Most recently, he published the monograph “Imagining the Future of Europe. National Identity, Mass Media and the Public Sphere in the European Union” (Palgrave Macmillan) as well as his co-edited volumes “Journalism in the Digital Modern Age”, “Between Power and Powerlessness - Facets of Successful Politics” and “Transparency and Funding of Public Service Media - The German Debate in an International Context” (VS Verlag).