Christina Dinar

Christina is interested in digital publics that are shaped by communities and develop their own rules for dealing with hate speech and disinformation (“fake news”). For her, this creates a digital space that is more diverse, more democratic, and also oriented towards the common good. Coming from a pedagogical background, she helped develop “digital streetwork,” which transforms existing approaches to outreach support services into a digital environment. from 2015-2019, she developed and led digital projects on anti-discrimination work online for the Amadeu Antonio Foundation and has spoken and written widely as an expert on solutions to Hate Speech.

For Wikimedia Germany, she worked in community outreach in 2013-2015 to increase the number of new Wikipedians – she is currently active on their board wants to see the public good-oriented Wikipedia getting more involved in the negotiation of digital publics. From 2018-2020, she served as deputy director of the Center for Internet and Human Rights (CIHR) with research on freedom of expression online and a focus on scholarship, policy, and practice transfer.

Christina studied Social Work as well as Theology, Cultural studies and Gender studies in Berlin/Jerusalem and lives in Berlin.